recounting the last days of college before I travel into the abyass
Published on January 30, 2008 By Tom Reifsnyder In Just Hanging Out
Just listening to some explosions in the sky and just figured I would start typing and see where it takes me. I have never really been a big fan of music. That's because when I listen to music I don't listen to the words. However, there are no words, which makes it that much better. I played some basketball tonight for the first time since high school. The first play of the game I missed a lay up then got about 5 offensive rebounds in a row and finally score. From that point on I was pretty much worn out.

The weather in wisconsin is crazy right now. This afternoon it was raining, then later hailing, and now it's snowing. the weather can't make up its mind. I've been a lot more calm the last couple days than i have been for quite some time. maybe that's because I finally know what i want in life. I want to happy, I want to be active, I want to try something new. but most of all I want to be loved.

Sometimes just a hug from someone i care about can make me feel great throughout the day. work has been a lot less stressful lately. I feel like my heart rate isn't through the roof like it used to be. I'm pacing myself. I've learned that everyone has their own interests at heart. If I work faster, everyone else slows down. If I work slower, everyone else speeds up. Those who complain the most get what they want and those who find things tolerable never get rewarded. But maybe I expect too much for my job, maybe we expect too munch from those around us.

I feel like I've been mislead, growing up in this gold stars generation. I was constantly praised by my parents, teachers, coaches, relatives for doing what was simply expected of me. I remember I younger I was the better the world seemed to be. TV was great, every show was flat out hilarious. All That, Salute your Shorts, Rockos Moden Life aren't as funny as they used to be. Nintendo 64 was bigger than God. Today, X box 360 is okay. I rode my bike all over. Me, my brother, and sister would get on our bikes on saturday, and ring every doorbell in the neighborhood. Can Jimmy play, Mary, Sean and Taylor. It didn't matter if they were male or female. Their skin didn't matter, what their parents did, if they smelled or not, if they acted goofy. Everybody was included. Life was simpler back then.

We can drive trucks, and build homes, and oversee mergers of fortune 500 companies, but you never see anyone over the age of 14 asking around the neighborhood to see if anyone wants to play tag. And the crazy thing is that we all want to play tag, it would make our day. Instead of watching deal or no deal, or watching a basketball game that doesn't matter til the 4th quarter, forgetting work and laundry and bills for an hour we could run around like an idiot for an hour or two. It didn't matter if you were it or not, it was just fun having a good time with people.

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